

Why I Can't Update the Blog Regularly, or I Can Summarize My Thoughts in a Single Facebook Update

So. I really like writing for my blog, I really do. It's sort of like a journal that I never kept, only I'm older and can speak (type?) a bit more eloquently and I would have more to write about than my favorite Pokemon card (probably either my holographic Charizard or that Japanese Arcanine my older brother gave me) or all the different spells of Harry Potter, not that I wouldn't write about those either here, mind you.

The only real problem here is that, while I have a ton of ideas for things to write about, most of it I can sum up by updating my Facebook status. It might just be because I've grown accustomed to using status updates more and more like what Twitter is used for, though I still refuse to get a Twitter. No matter the cause, though, I've found myself attempting to write a post for about a half hour only to realize I could more appropriately convey my thoughts and opinions on said topic in about a sentence or two on Facebook.


I Love Taking All of the Naps

Unknown Tuesday, September 8, 2009 , , ,

There's nothing quite like a nice long nap that makes you feel soo good (and in the case of anyone with medium to long hair, mess it up soo bad). Being a college student now, I'm beginning to attempt to master the art of napping at available times. Today I had my first class at 8 A.M, which all things considered really shouldn't be too bad. Many working adults have to wake up earlier, and I had to wake up waaaay earlier to get to high school on time. And yet, there's something about waking up at 8 that's truly devastating. The fact that I regularly stay up until 12 or 1 and that my other day in my two day rotation of classes doesn't start until noon probably doesn't help either.

I barely managed to stay awake in class, but that's completely alright because I know most of the stuff we were discussing today anyways. I came back to my room, opened the window to let some air in, dropped my stuff and jumped on the bed and never looked back. Here I am a bit more than two hours later, feeling awesome, and having another hour before I have to head to class.


(Also, I promise I'm not trying to have a naming scheme or anything, these things just keep popping into my head like that)

All of the Origins

Unknown Monday, September 7, 2009 , , , , , ,

For my first post I think I'll do a little bit of explaining, namely the title of the blog. If any of you are still following me at this point, you may be wondering "What exactly does 'All of the Blog' mean? 'Cos I'm pretty sure you can't have only 'some' of a blog. That'd just be silly." Now I know none of you are actually thinking that, but if you were, that'd be freaking awesome! That would either make me a mind reader, or a person that can instill thoughts into your brain ala Broseph Stalin or something. Either way! I am now here to explain this mystery to you!

As best I can remember the first instance of the "all of the" happenings was this year around March, during the Massachusetts High School Drama Guild Festival. Our school, Westford Acadamy (which is a PUBLIC school, by the way), was hosting this particular round, meaning it could have been prelims or semis, I really don't know. I was being a goofball in general and was having people write on my arm in sharpie, which is usually not a good idea, but I thought it was fantastic anyways. I told one of my friends to draw and or write something awesome, but she was distraught and didn't know what to do, so naturally I had to come up with something. In the end I told her to draw one of our other friends, one such dubious character known only as "Craig," taking ALL of the naps.

And so she did.

From there on in it was and shall forever remain a rolling joke, the "all of the jokes" joke. Whenever you have to go do something, or go drink something, or go win something, bear in mind that forever you won't simply be doing SOME of the stuff or drinking SOME of the drink or even winning SOME of the game, but instead ALL of it.

Now go forth readers, and make ALL of the jokes!

ED: After consulting with THE Craig from the sacred "all of the jokes" origin story, I was actually completely wrong! Go figure. The actual "all of the jokes" joke started about a month prior to the story I told, in New York City, on a bus. A parent commented on how she had way more trash bags than could be imagined, to which Craig replied "I dunno, I can imagine a LOT of trash bags." Being the person that I am, I naturally had to butt in with the comment "ALL the trashbags," after which I assume many "all of the jokes" jokes were made. So in truth the origin story I originally wrote was in fact simply one of the first spreadings of the "all of the jokes" joke. Carry on!

Here We Make All of the Posts

Hello everyone, and welcome to All of the Blog! Allow me to introduce myself. My name is Joe Alden, and I'm a freshman at Keene State College and I plan to major in Tech Theatre. I managed to net a scholarship for it (and now that I mention it I totally forgot to bring my portfolio back from home to show the tech director) so I guess I'm pretty good at it! I'm you're pretty average geek and or nerd or what have you; I enjoy video games, play some Magic when I get the chance, make stupid internet meme jokes, and so on. I enjoy all sorts of music, love the outdoors, and I like to play frisbee a lot. Most people (and usually animals too) seem to like me instinctively, but I absolutely hate people. Not like people I know or chances are anyone that would actually read this, but people. You know who I'm talking about. But that's more about me that you never cared to hear, so let's move on!

All of the Blog is the successor to my previous blog, The Edge of Insanity. I was absolutely lousy at updating that blog since I never really found time to make any posts, and I never had an interesting enough life to post about. But then I thought "Wait a second, I'm a college kid now!" and foolishly went along and made this travesty. Here's to hoping this one sucks a bit less!

Like my last blog, All of the Blog is about pretty much anything I want to post about. It is purely for my entertainment, and if anyone else should find some amusement in reading this, well props to them. Because it is for me and me exclusively (but open to the gaping maw that is the internet) it won't be updated at all periodically, but instead, *gasp* sporadically! I'll post anything I damn well please, but you're welcome to comment on it all and tell me how much I suck and that I should stop writing. It won't work of course but I'll be glad to hear from you regardless!

And so here we go, onward to great, or maybe even terrible, horrible, things! Welcome to both you and I to All of the Blog, and don't let the door hit you on the way out!
Copyright 2010 All of the Blog