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About All This Blogging Nonsense

About Me

That handsome fellow right there is me. My name is Joe Alden, and as of this writing, I am 19 (soon to be 20) years old. I'm currently a Theatre student at Keene State College, and in addition to my classes take part in the work study program in the theater's scene shop, as well as actively participating in the school's numerous plays throughout the year. I've been a gamer at heart ever since my dad got our family a Super Nintendo for Christmas when I was very young. I don't remember how old I was at the time, but I've been playing games ever since, and the games, as well as the culture around gaming, has influenced me throughout my entire life, though in recent years my passion, or perhaps addiction, to gaming has come into conflict with educational demands. I love to read, though I have fallen quite far behind on that, and I'm very passionate about music, and would love to work with sound technologies or designing in the future. I also like to think I'm a pretty good writer, which brings me to the next topic...

About the Blog

Though I'm not exactly an egomaniac, I do enjoy getting attention now and then, which is the true origins of my blog writing career. Back in maybe Junior or Senior year of high school I had started regularly reading a World of Warcraft blog. Upon seeing the dozens of inspired and interesting comments left on many of the posts, I thought to myself "I wish I had something like that!", and thus my first blog The Edge of Insanity was born. The foundations of that blog are exactly the same ones that my current one is built on; I write about what I want, when I want, how I want. That became a little less true as the original blog wore on, as I desperately wanted someone, anyone to read the damn thing, so I started trying to do "Video of the Day" bullshit to get myself and potential readers to frequent my site. As I'm sure you can tell it didn't exactly work, and now all that remains of worth from that old web page is a pretty cool name.

My current blog, this blog, is a rebirth of sorts for the original ideals of my original blog. It's less of a "Best Links of the Day" kind of site and more of an online journal that my friends and, in some unlikely cases my family, can read, and probably use as fuel with which to poke fun at me later. Luckily most of my friends actually find humor in my strange topics, and can enjoy them in a hopefully not too biased manner.
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