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Where I've Been

So once again I've failed to keep myself writing and updating the blog, which is upsetting because I love to write about whatever. Lately I've been suffering from the potent combination of writer's block, lack of time, and a general proclivity towards laziness. Believe it or not, the writer's block is the biggest killer out of the three for me.  I talk with friends all the time, saying "Give me a topic! I need to write! Anything! Please!", begging for any sort of topic they can throw at me, only to receive relatively shitty ones anyways because when you tell a friend to tell you to write about quite literally anything some of the worst ideas often come to mind.

Despite all this, I've actually got quite a few good ideas that I want to write about, such as that short story I mentioned on my Facebook status a while back, things I really want to write about. This is where the three plagues to my writing start to intertwine into a devious concoction of creative-thought-process sedative. I may have a good idea, but often I can't come up with a good way to word my thoughts, or I may not have taken any notes down when the topic was fresh in my mind and I have since forgotten what I wanted to say. Half the time I lack the time to actually pursue these ideas and really get to work on them, and the other half I'm simply too lazy for said pursuits.

Basically I'm shitty at being consistent, even with myself.

(Be warned, ye who enter here, for thar be a horrible beast known to some as a "wall 'o text" lurking behind this here jump, possessed by the wretched musings and whining of the one known as "The Grand Warlock of the Intertubes" "the author,")

Degradation and prose aside, I have actually been up to a few things in my time of not writing, believe it or not. Though this really stretches back to as far as the beginning of the semester, I've been continuing to expand my musical interest and picked up a few CDs. The first is both noteworthy and simply not worth talking about, which is a Rolling Stones singles anthology. The stuff is awesome, which is already known, and as such it's simply not worth expounding on. They already stand astride the world, sitting upon their marbled and gilded throne of success. There is simply no use in trying to say anything about their work, and so I won't.

I'm going out of order on stuff I've gotten but I'm instead going by order of likelihood that you've actually heard of the band. So even though I didn't get the Stones CDs until a little after a few other mentioned CDs, they're already so thoroughly ingrained in music that I don't need to talk about them.

Probably one of the bands I've been enjoying the most out of all the music I've gotten lately is Gorillaz. Even their existence as a "band" is interesting, because truthfully Gorillaz is only a couple people with a handful of people working in collaboration. They currently have two albums out, the self-titled album Gorillaz and Demon Days, as well as a couple B-Sides albums. Gorillaz is particularly interesting and enjoyable because they don't have any particular "genre" of music they're dedicated to. They have songs rooted in hip hop, punk, all kinds of alternative, and shades of pretty much everything else. Each of the animated band members are very realized as well; Damon Albarn and Jamie Hewlett (co-creators of the virtual band) didn't halfass anything when it came to creating these individual personas. They even have a band biography in which the "story" of the band is woven together seemingly out of the nether, and the fact that the band itself is fictional makes this piece of fiction under the facade of a biography seem entirely alright and suitable. Everything about this band is just plain interesting.

I've also picked up a CD from the band The Airborne Toxic Event and the Welsh band the Super Furry Animals. I'll talk about these later, as I'm already bored of talking about music, and the two of those could probably warrant their own piece later anyways, or at least a joint post involving those and some new game or whatever I may have latched onto by then.

No, instead of writing about those, I am instead going to turn to you, the reader, in order for some feedback, and sort of come full circle with the start of the post.

At this point I've come to terms with the fact that probably no one actually reads these pots on the blog itself, with the majority of my readership instead coming from the Facebook notes that are posted in accordance with my RSS feed. I don't really care about that, so much as the fact that these posts are actually read. I've said before that this blog is supposed to basically be a journal for myself in that I'll write about whatever I damn well please, but obviously that can never truly be the case if I'm to maintain a readership of any kind.

I am also quite pleased with my own writing style; I'm sure there are many things about it I could tweak so it could actually be considered proper writing and not some drivel out of some college freshman's mouth (hands?), but overall I feel like I get my point across and that the way I write truly contains my "voice," that I write in a method that is humorous enough to be enjoyable to read, sophisticated enough to stroke my word-enjoying ego, and simple enough that any plebeian can read it and understand what I'm trying to say (see what I did thar?)

Because of the way I write, I feel like I could make a discussion about most anything at least worth a look at, though not necessarily high-class in any way. I'd find a way to carry it, and make it interesting for myself along the way. Whether or not the audience decides it was at all a good read wouldn't matter to me while I wrote it because in the end I want to enjoy writing my posts, or at least not have it feel like work. If I'm writing about spaghetti you can be damn sure I'm going to be writing about how there could be tiny universes hidden among the molecules within the meat sauce instead of it's origins or how to properly serve it.

However, I won't do that, simply because I don't feel like it. I don't want to write about that, so I won't.

This is the part where I turn to you, my audience, and ask "What the hell man?" But seriously, I want to hear from you. I want to know what you think about what I write about, the good, the bad, what I've written that you've enjoyed, what I've written that you haven't enjoyed, what you'd like to hear about from me, questions, comments, all that kind of thing! I want to truly hear from you. I want guidance, or at least some friendly advice.

And to those on Facebook that will ultimately read this and decide to make a comment at the bottom, when I say advice, I mean real advice. Like something that I'd actually give a fuck about. I may act out and be noisy and an attention whore and all of that when I'm dicking around with friends, but when I'm in a real conversation with real comments, if I have nothing to constructive or actually helpful to contribute to the conversation, I quite simply don't. I request that you keep that in mind before you comment.

Before I end this post, I'd like to make a disclaimer. Chances are tomorrow I'll reread this post and think to myself "What was I on while I was writing this? I whined way too much in all parts but the tiny little middle part." I even know this right now while I'm writing it! But I plan on posting this anyways, and I want you to comment in the context of the post and not the particular mood I may or may not be in in the future.

Goddamn that was way too long an ending. Note to self, try to be a bit more concise on thought processes and inner monologues from now on.


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