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It's 3 AM. And. I want to go to bed.

Some call it evoking William Shatner, I call it having a damn good time. For whatever inane reason I find it particularly amusing to quote music in speech rather than in any lyrical fashion. Most would agree with me when I say it is almost never acceptable to burst into song when that song is anything by Linkin Park, though to be honest unless you happen to be living in a musical most people find it completely unacceptable to burst into any song anywhere. However, more than once have I been able to get away with simply uttering the words "I tried so hard and got so far, but in the end, it doesn't even matter" in some sort of social situation. Most often people look at me and either groan or grin, as these are my peers and they know exactly what I'm saying, for better or for worse. The real fun is when there are also those of the second party, the ones that have no clue what the hell I'm saying, are also present.

In a way it's almost meant to mock whatever we're saying; a way to laugh at the things we grew up with and how silly and inane all of it really is. People saying how good they want to get at something, and retorting with the phrase that you, quite simply, "want to be the very best, like no one ever was." (guitar riffs following said phrase are optional) At the same time it's a way to embrace that which was our youth; how many children of the current generation can honestly say that they've seen shows like Doug, or have ever seen Fred back when he actually thought neckerchiefs were cool? These are dying breeds, though to be fair not all of them actually deserve to live. I wish I had something to link to that sentence, but even though this post will be going up sometime this afternoon I really am writing this at 3 in the morning.

Regardless, it's something I've been doing for a while now, and you should too, even if you don't believe the bullshit I came up with to justify doing it. Or you should at least try it once, decide if you like it or not. Take it out on a nice date, maybe see a movie or something. From there you can decide if you truly want to pursue a relationship with this joke, or if perhaps you simply want to be friends, even though your true intent is to slowly drop out of this joke's life for good, realizing that that you weren't meant to be, you're not each other's type, or simply that you were obviously really really drunk when asked it out and it was one of those mistakes you hope to never make again only realize when you're 50 and alone that your whole life was spent repeating that process until you were simply a shell of yourself who never truly made a connection with a joke either because none could ever match up in your mind to that one joke that got away or because you were too afraid of opening yourself up to the possibility of sharing your life with a joke and instead simply used them once for your own personal pleasure and then threw it away, just like those crappy toys that come with the kids meals at fast food restaurants.

What the hell is wrong with me.


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