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In Which I Have Excellent Timing

Unknown Tuesday, January 28, 2014 , , , ,

January is almost over, so naturally I think I'll write about stuff that happened almost a month ago! Guys, writing is difficult, I swear. Well, it's not so much the actual act of writing so much as it is coming up with things to write about, and then finding the motivation to do so. Thus my nigh yearly post of "Bla bla bla I suck at self motivation bla bla bla I'll write more" AND THEN I DON'T. Fool you once internet, shame on you, fool you twice internet, shame on me (yesIknowthat'swrongshutup). Fool you three times and I'm devoured by the Nidhogg (which is a neat game by the way), or something like that. I'm bad at this, sue me (please don't I have no money oh god).

Anyway! My holidays went well, and save for a (in hindsight) rather silly, drunken walk through the back roads of Westford at 3AM it was relatively uneventful. As in really uneventful. After about the first or second week of January I was bored stiff, as most of my friends were either already back at school or back at work. As (I think?) I mentioned previously, I'm back at UML, and classes for this semester only started a week ago. I did jack shit between those two points, and hated it. But! I have something a bit more interesting to write about today, and that was the Secret Santa I did with strangers over the internet.

It's Been A While, Internet

Unknown Sunday, December 1, 2013 , , , ,
Picture not really related? Maybe?

So. Here I am again, writing on this here blog, something I've historically been excellent at. Looking at my front page, four out of the five displayed posts are in some way related to why I haven't been posting, and promising to post more. The fifth is a post I made almost exactly a year ago, saying I was going to start posting again.....almost a year after the post before it.



On Dungeons and Dragons, Part I

Unknown Wednesday, November 28, 2012 , , , , , , , ,
And now, to ramble about something completely different

I've been a nerd for practically the entirety of my life. One of the earliest Christmas gifts I can remember getting, besides some sort of mechanized construction yard playset type thing, was my first Game Boy. I still own it in fact, though it doesn't work anymore, sadly. Since then my interest in gaming has only grown. Despite this, I have always tried not to become some sort of "super nerd," or basically what everyone thought a nerd or geek actually looked or behaved like, at least during the 90s and early 2000s. Super socially awkward, not that good looking, didn't use deodorant, and so on. Mind you, I didn't particularly care about cultivating some sort of social image; I just really didn't want to be one of those kinds of geeks. And more often than not, partaking in table top role playing games such as Dungeons and Dragons put you squarely into the center of such a group. Even daring to whisper the cursed letters "DnD" together at the lunch tables for ever doomed one to be ostracized from any socially progressive groups for the rest of your life! Or at least that's how younger me felt. Younger me was also not the brightest, though I personally feel there was at least some semblance of actual truth to that thought, at least for a person at that age.

Basically middle school and high school are bitches.


Time to Get Serious

Of course I still took time to beat Portal 2 beforehand

Hello once again folks, it's me, your humble and ever subservient writer person thing. It's been a little bit since I last wrote and a fair amount has happened since then! Well, not really. I went to PAX for a day and had fun and got some new music and games, but that's basically your typical week for me, save for the whole PAX thing. But no! No! I'm here to talk about none of that! I'm here to talk being a good student for maybe the first time since sixth grade!

That's right, I'm actually going to try harder than I have in a long time at school. I've made this promise at the beginning of every year since high school, but now I need to be a good student more than ever. I wouldn't say I'm in trouble with any of my classes, but the focus definitely needs to be there, now more than ever. And as such, I shall be giving up gaming until the end of the semester.

I know right?


What's Currently Distracting Me

Unknown Tuesday, March 22, 2011 , , , , , , , ,

Where? Oh, never mind, it's just Rebecca Black again

Two posts in as many days? Blasphemy! But yes, it is true. I have decided to write yet another post, and in a short period of time no less. Clearly the world is ending. But in making this bold decision I have come to the realization (again) that I'm just not good at coming up with topics to write about. Every time I write, I want it to be some sweeping digression and or introspection, but can never come up with something interesting enough for me to write about. So today, I'm just going to write about a whole bunch of things! Specifically, the things that I've been doing lately in my free time.

And of course by that I mean primarily what video games I'm playing.

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