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It's Been A While, Internet

Unknown Sunday, December 1, 2013 , , , ,
Picture not really related? Maybe?

So. Here I am again, writing on this here blog, something I've historically been excellent at. Looking at my front page, four out of the five displayed posts are in some way related to why I haven't been posting, and promising to post more. The fifth is a post I made almost exactly a year ago, saying I was going to start posting again.....almost a year after the post before it.


Rather than try to make some sort of promise that I'll post more (which, as usual, I'll probably fail to keep), I think I'll just start slow and talk about what's happened in my life since I began this blog. It's kind of hard to believe I started writing on this blog almost four years ago, and kind of sad that I've written so little in that span of time. But a lot has changed in my life, which is plain to see should one check the "About" page at the top up thar.

For starters, I am no longer 19 (soon to be 20) years old, and am instead 22 (soon to be 23) years old. I no longer attend Keene State College, and instead am going to UMass Lowell. I'm still in school for theatre, but UML's program is not nearly established as Keene's, so I'm more of an English major with a focus on Theatre Arts. I still play a lot of video games, but I am happy to say that I have actually been doing a lot more reading than I used to. I am single for the first time since high school, and I am hopelessly incompetent at being so. It often feels like I do very little with my life, but apparently that's not the case, as a lot has happened to me in the past few years.

Despite how much of a bummer that last paragraph is (seriously, just rereading it makes me feel a little bit down), I'm actually doing really well! I feel much more confident in who I am and what I want to do. I had to transfer out of Keene due to a combination of poor grades and expensive out of state tuition, and after a miserable, depressed year at UML I was put on academic suspension, which was probably the best thing that could have ever happened to me. I then spent the latter half of the year working at the North Shore Music Theater, which, even though the pay wasn't the best, was such an incredible experience for me. I was basically as bottom rung as I could get, but there I was, working in a theater, doing something I actually wanted to do as a job. It was eye opening, and a wonderful opportunity.

Mind you, I could never make an actual living off of the pay I was getting there, at least not for the distance I had to commute, but it was a great start to actually working in a theater. I also probably couldn't physically do that type of work for too long either; I was on run crew, moving set pieces and props around and flying various things, usually different types of chandeliers, in and out from the rail. I really enjoy that type of work and it can be a lot of fun, but it definitely can be physically taxing. I had to see a chiropractor for a few months this summer from hurting my back doing just that at the same theater, and it still kind of hurts even now, several months later. But having the chance to work in such a welcoming environment, in the type of professional setting I so very much want to be a part of, is well worth the time and injuries.

And all of that is just one part of my life that I feel has changed moving forward. Apparently I actually have life experiences I can share rather than writing about whatever random drivel I can think of (though to be fair, I am especially fond of some of the drivel I've written, like the Kingdom for Kieflings post, or FORT CHAMPIONSHIP YEAHHHH). Maybe if I find the time and motivation I can write and share some more. Until then, I wish you a good day, and thanks for reading, assuming you've made it this far.


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