

Time to Get Serious

Of course I still took time to beat Portal 2 beforehand

Hello once again folks, it's me, your humble and ever subservient writer person thing. It's been a little bit since I last wrote and a fair amount has happened since then! Well, not really. I went to PAX for a day and had fun and got some new music and games, but that's basically your typical week for me, save for the whole PAX thing. But no! No! I'm here to talk about none of that! I'm here to talk being a good student for maybe the first time since sixth grade!

That's right, I'm actually going to try harder than I have in a long time at school. I've made this promise at the beginning of every year since high school, but now I need to be a good student more than ever. I wouldn't say I'm in trouble with any of my classes, but the focus definitely needs to be there, now more than ever. And as such, I shall be giving up gaming until the end of the semester.

I know right?

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