

What's Currently Distracting Me

Unknown Tuesday, March 22, 2011 , , , , , , , ,

Where? Oh, never mind, it's just Rebecca Black again

Two posts in as many days? Blasphemy! But yes, it is true. I have decided to write yet another post, and in a short period of time no less. Clearly the world is ending. But in making this bold decision I have come to the realization (again) that I'm just not good at coming up with topics to write about. Every time I write, I want it to be some sweeping digression and or introspection, but can never come up with something interesting enough for me to write about. So today, I'm just going to write about a whole bunch of things! Specifically, the things that I've been doing lately in my free time.

And of course by that I mean primarily what video games I'm playing.


It's So Pretty

Unknown Monday, March 21, 2011 , , , ,
Fucking flowers, who asked you anyway?

Yay! Except that flower's a goddamn liar. This isn't the same old bullshit! This is brand spanking new bullshit! And it's shiny bullshit to boot!

So in case you're blind or something and don't regularly check my blog (and who honestly doesn't have this site bookmarked by now?), then you may have noticed something somewhat different as you desperately smashed F5 hoping for a new update. The whole site got updated! I was previously using a pretty cool template I got off of this site, but decided with a change in my own attitude in order to post more often that a change in the site itself was in order. I found a pretty neat new template, and after about 2 hours now of fiddling with the coding to make things the way I want them to be, I can proudly say that this site hopefully doesn't look like shit! Not that it necessarily looked like shit before, mind you. And here is a brief list of some of these new features that hopefully don't suck!

  • Shiny new web page design, including a new background and other stuff!
  • All the header links should actually work now!
  • Did away with the comments RSS feed (because no one comments here anyway)!
  • Fun new sidebar tabs!
  • A comment counter to the side of each post (to further emotionally kick myself in the groin about no one reading my shit)!
  • A renewed interest in writing (yeah right)!
  • Probably tons of bugs I'll find about and cry over later because I don't know how to fix them!
So go forth, my four or five readers! Go forth, and enjoy, for you have been blessed with a gift, a particularly rare one indeed.

That gift, is the gift of a new, shinier, internet me.

You're welcome.

I'm Good at This Whole Blogging Thing

Unknown Friday, March 4, 2011 , , , ,

So yeah, self explanatory post. It's well over a year since I've last written here. Kinda seems like a waste of space when I put it like that, doesn't it?

Basically I want to start trying to actively write on this site again. Same rules apply as when I first set up this blog; I write about what I want, when I want. It can be sheer and utter nonsense, or some sort of deeply thought out philosophical discussion. All depends on what mood I'm in! I would write something now but it's getting close to 3 in the morning and I have work from 9 AM until God knows when tomorrow. And by that I mean 5 PM. But still!

We'll see how long this goes before I fail again. For those college friends that I decide to link this to for some reason, you should probably go back a page or two to learn about why this thing's even titled what it is, if you don't already know. Not to blow my own horn or anything (or blow anything at all, for that matter; I don't usually roll that way), but I kinda enjoy reading some of my older posts. I mean seriously, I relate playing a video game to Valhalla or some shit in one of them. Classy stuff.

Before I go, I leave you with one fun little side story. During my writing hiatus, Blogger added some cool features to its site, including the ability to track information regarding your page views. Though my blog has a pathetically and not at all unexpected low view count, reaching a grand total of 39 views over its lifetime, it's the location of 10 of these views that's most interesting. Apparently 10 people in Russia found my discussion about speaking like Shatner and my digression on ramen appealing.

(P.S. Normally I would totally put in links to everything I talk about in this page but I'm lazy and tired)

(P.P.S. Only caught two glaring grammar mistakes in this post, even at quarter to three in the morning! Go me!)
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