

The Intrinsic Properties of Ramen: A Digression

Unknown Monday, November 2, 2009

Ramen is delicious and not exactly nutritious, and I love it. It's the stereotypical poor apartment dweller and or college student staple meal. It's simple and quick to make, tastes great, and costs like a dollar for twenty of the things. You can get them in styrofoam cups or packages of the noodles and flavoring. You can get them in all kinds of flavors, each unique (sort of) and wonderfully tasty for some incredible reason. My two personal favorite brands are Maruchan and Cup Noodle, with the former making primarily the packaged noodles and well, if you can't guess what Cup Noodle does I might as well just stop writing this now. But since I'm writing this in real time and not actually talking to anyone I'm going to assume you're not an idiot and continue anyways!

In all reality ramen is great pretty much any time of the year, though for me it is particularly great in winter. It's for the same reason one doesn't really have hot chocolate all that often in the summertime, or hot soup for that matter, which is a much more valid comparison I guess seeing as how they're practically the same thing BUT WHATEVER. I was cold, so I turned on the heat in the room (which I'm still not entirely sure if it actually works or not) and heated up a cup of noodles and am as of this writing enjoying it. I might make more after, I might not. You never know with these kind of things.
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